
분위기를 살려주는 벽면 조명등 - Torn Lights

강병현 2008. 11. 26. 20:05






Torn Lights

Dog Ear / Crevice / Hangnai

Tear down your walls


벽면이 벌어지고, 틈이 생긴듯한 효과의 분위기를 연출 할 수 있는

벽면 LED 조명등입니다.

Dog Ear / Crevice / Hangnai 이 3가지로 구성되어 있습니다.


Anyone who has spent a significant period of time either living in a small windowless apartment or tripping through the galaxy on a mind bender may have at one point felt the urge to tear a hole in the wall to let some light in. Judging by this concept, designer Billy May almost surely has. His Torn Lighting is perfectly disguised on your wall while hiding it's LED secrets from view. The result is the rather impressive illusion sure to leave your guests bemused,

provided you paint it to match your walls of course.



Designer : Billy May



출 처 : Yanko Design